Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta THE BRIGHTNESS OF LA LUCIÉRNAGA. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta THE BRIGHTNESS OF LA LUCIÉRNAGA. Mostrar todas las entradas

jueves, 16 de agosto de 2018



A day like any other, in a field not far away, a ladybug and a butterfly, great friends, spent the afternoon mocking a firefly. The ladybug had bright colors that made the field very happy, as well as the butterfly, whose wings seemed dyed with glitter. Presumed by their great physical qualities, they could not see with good eyes a neighboring firefly and, therefore, they did not want her as a friend.

You are a very ugly creature, neighbor, "said the butterfly without any shame referring to his neighbor firefly.
But the firefly did not respond to those mocking and ruthless comments, nor felt humiliated or embarrassed by its inconspicuous appearance. She lived quietly sure of herself. So much so, that one day he dared to confront the ladybug and the butterfly by proposing an interesting plan.

Tomorrow night I'll take a walk through the meadows. I would like you to come too, because I have a surprise to give you.
The ladybug and the butterfly, who were very curious, decided to accept the proposal of the firefly speeding at night to the meadow to which his neighbor referred. But they could not find the firefly anywhere. Soon, however, an extraordinary glow caught the attention of both. Over the dark night sky a very close star appeared and with a bright and precious glow. The star soon descended perching at the feet of the ladybird and the butterfly. What was the astonishment of the two when observing that that star was in fact the firefly of which so much they had mocked!

Embarrassed, they apologized to the firefly who accepted them with much pleasure, reminding them as they left that, most of the time, appearances deceive.