viernes, 1 de febrero de 2019


Dark nights
without stars or moon.
Wake up fireflies!
Shine like none.
They are little bugs
that between flowers and pines
they carry their farolito
looking for a way

The light died in the heavens
You still not.
Fly in the sea of ​​mirrors.
Be more light than you can be ...
Its lights are eternity in reflections
And the most sacred that I enjoy seeing.

Magical bright lights.
Pure as fine diamonds.
Look me magical, celestial
they gladden the soul and the minds.
Placids seem to float
and through the woods shiver.
Shower me in my walk
In me, I will always carry them

Fireflies that I confuse with stars
to ask for impossible wishes.
Wishes that I serve as a trough
in the hard walk through the desert.
Drinking bowl that spills at each step
why each step is filled with blood,
blood that flows from the sores that the
road is charged as a necessary toll.

Two fascinating fireflies,
like two bright lights,
in your twinkling eyes
I took refuge in the darkness that I had.
And you were firefly
and you were star
and you were star
in my firmament.
(Erotic Soul, José Luis Agurto Zepeda)

From Lucecitas forests
that float in the mists,
tell me where are you going
Daisies bloom,
every time you light up
to the most beautiful girls,
when in dreams you give
stories with written lights.

The darkest night of my life
In days full of agony
Show me a path
Q I am on a dull planet
And the stars escaped from the sky
Or is the sky Who covers them if they feel cold
Fireflies light up tonight
That I am lost

On many warm nights
lit lamps we will see
they are phosphorescent brooches
that make us admire them.
With their bellies on
dance a song with light
they go on a lot of love
calling the attention of the male
They seek and seek their love
they do not give up their intention
they do it with great fervor
until they get their heart
Fireflies beautiful stars
that the eyes give illusion
of nature are spokesmen
and a miracle of creation
Fabio Robles

Small stars
who dance
to the sound of your walk.
Running, running
little lights
What if I have to learn something
is that the way,
under my feet
you will light up
(Aradhel Prince)

for me they are the stars,
that never stop shining ...
in the nights of my dreams
where the dream is to wake up ...
They are flashes in the sky
or maybe pieces of bread,
that thrown away;
They left our dreams,
so we could find,
the road and not get lost.
In the darkest loneliness ...

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